When parents choose to send their child to nursery, they want to be in the knowledge that the setting they choose will keep their child safe and will nurture their child’s ability to thrive and grow.
The setting, the education, the staff and the safety of your children are all equally important and deserve the highest attention to detail.
At The Windsor we have a clear commitment to maintaining high standards in all areas of the setting.
Every child deserves the best possible start and support in life to fulfil their potential. A child’s early years are considered the most important times of a child’s life. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its’ own right, and The Windsor provides the foundation for children to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up.
Parents are children’s first and enduring educators. When parents and practitioners work together in early years settings, the results have a positive impact on a children’s development and learning.
This emphasis on a ‘parent teacher partnership’ is critical for the successful settling and all round experience gained by children no matter what setting they attend. For a child to gain the full learning experience offered by The Windsor it is our aim to partner closely with parents so that we are able to share learning and identify learning needs.
We believe that communicating regularly and sharing a child’s experience inside and outside the setting provides a holistic package of care.
When you and your child attend the setting it’s a three way partnership: Nursery, Parent and Child.
We enthusiastically encourage parents to get involved with the nursery and its activities and we look forward to welcoming you and your child.